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Functional Assessments are completed by trained screeners in each CDDO area. Many of the questions in the Assessment section could be interpreted differently by different people. Effectively completed functional assessments (BASIS) are reflective of a consistent thread of information that includes documents such as person-centered support plans, behavior management plans and support plans. The Harvey-Marion County CDDO utilizes the services of a functional assessor who has completed training required by KDADS to complete functional assessments. The services of the assessor may be through employment by the Harvey-Marion County CDDO, or by subcontract. The functional assessor schedules initial assessments upon referral, and annual assessments as directed by KDADS, the KDADS-CDDO contract, and KDADS HCBS policy, as applicable. The assessor contacts the individual, guardian/parent of a minor, case manager, and service provider staff to participate in the functional assessment interview. Harvey-Marion County CDDO requires the staff responsible for entry of the functional assessment and KAMIS information into KAMIS system to complete training required by KDADS. The functional assessor provides completed functional assessment information to the individual responsible for data entry into KAMIS. The individual’s case manager is responsible for ensuring that the identifying and demographic information is accurate and up to date. Whenever there are changes in the individual’s address, phone number, case manager, living situation, day situation, legal representation, custody status, diagnosis, or other non-assessment fields, the case manager should update the information by submitting a status change form to the individual responsible for KAMIS data entry. The individual’s case manager is responsible for reporting any changes in residential status, including numbers of persons with/without I/DD with whom person resides.
Harvey-Marion County CDDO
Harvey-Marion County CDDO 500 N. Main Street Suite 204 Newton, KS 67114